Alice Yorke (Director) is an actor and deviser. She is a Co-Director of Lightning Rod Special, with whom she created and performed in Hackles, Let the Dog See the Rabbit, and Sans Everything. Other performance credits include Alex Bechtel's The West, Pig Iron’s 99 Breakups and Pay Up, Interact Theatre's Down Past Passyunk, and dancing with clown-funk band, Red 40 and the Last Groovement. She has worked as a props designer for Theatre Exile (True West, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf), Flashpoint (Miz Martha, Herringbone), Pig Iron (Pay Up, 99 Breakups), The Bearded Ladies Cabaret (Bitter Homes and Gardens, Andy: a Popera) and the Martha Graham Cracker Cabaret. Proud graduate of the Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training.